Boiler Jargon Buster

Boiler jargon busterIs looking for a new boiler a daunting task due to all of the jargon used in brochures and websites? Wheildons tries to make things as simple as possible, but if you ever need a jargon buster, Vaillant has created just that.

Their plain English guide helps you pass through the minefield of technical terms and abbreviations whether you are looking for a new boiler or simply wanting to understand what needs to be repaired.

It breaks up what a plumber technician may say to you with a simple English version of what they mean as well as what you should know. With handy diagrams, a clean layout and lots of information, this Jargon Buster guide will make some great reading to help with your research.

You can download this handy guide from the Vaillant Website.

Boiler jargon buster